0800 123 101
  • See All Telehandlers
  • 4M Telehandler
  • 6M Telehandler
  • 7M Telehandler
  • 10M Telehandler
  • 14M Telehandler
  • 17M Telehandler
  • 18M Telehandler
  • 20M Telehandler
JCB 520-40

4M Telehandler

JCB 520-40

JCB 525-60

6M Telehandler

JCB 525-60

JCB 531-70

7M Telehandler

JCB 531-70

JCB 533-105

10M Telehandler

JCB 533-105

JCB 540-140

14M Telehandler

JCB 540-140

JCB 540-170

17M Telehandler

JCB 540-170

JCB 540-180

18M Telehandler

JCB 540-180

JCB 540-200

20M Telehandler

JCB 540-200

  • See All Rotos
  • 21M JCB Roto
  • 21M Manitou Roto
  • 24M Manitou Roto
  • 24M Merlo Roto
  • 26M Manitou Roto
  • 25M Manitou Roto
  • 26M JCB Roto
  • 30M Merlo Roto
  • 35M Merlo Roto
JCB 555-210R

21M JCB Roto

JCB 555-210R

Manitou MRT 2150

21M Manitou Roto

Manitou MRT 2150

Manitou MRT 2470

24M Manitou Roto

Manitou MRT 2470

Merlo 60.24 MCSS

24M Merlo Roto

Merlo 60.24 MCSS

Manitou MRT 2660

26M Manitou Roto

Manitou MRT 2660

Manitou MRT 2550

25M Manitou Roto

Manitou MRT 2550

JCB 555-260R

26M JCB Roto

JCB 555-260R

Merlo 50.30 S Plus

30M Merlo Roto

Merlo 50.30 S Plus

Merlo 50.35 S Plus

35M Merlo Roto

Merlo 50.35 S Plus

Merlo P72.10

7.2T Heavy Lift Telehandler

Merlo P72.10

Merlo P120.10

12T Heavy Lift Telehandler

Merlo P120.10

JCB 30-19E

4M/3T Electric Teletruk

JCB 30-19E

JCB 35-22E

4M/3.5T Electric Teletruk

JCB 35-22E

JCB 525-60E

6M Electric Telehandler

JCB 525-60E


3T Teletruk



3.5T Teletruk


The road to net zero


As part of Vp Group, we are aware of the impact our business has on the environment and are committed to improving this position through continual review and adaptive management.



With c. 3,000 employees spread across 10 countries and more than 250 sites, Vp Group provides valuable services to thousands of customers in various markets. Our goal is to make sustainability a universal priority throughout the Group’s network, where we all contribute towards mitigating climate change and biodiversity loss by minimizing our environmental impact and striving for a net positive impact on biodiversity. We seek to provide further mitigation through investing in local community and conservation projects to further mitigate any negative environmental effects.

To evaluate our alignment with the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their corresponding targets, we conducted a thorough review. The Group are focused on 11 of the SDGs, such as climate action, responsible consumption and production and industry, innovation and infrastructure.

SDGs for our people The Group’s principles of fairness, integrity, and respect form the foundation of our responsible business culture. Our corporate responsibility framework reinforces this culture by promoting good governance and guiding our management of environmental and social impacts. This framework applies across all aspects of our business and encompasses Sustainability, Environmental and Social Governance (ESG), and Corporate Responsibility (CR), which are interrelated and mutually supportive.



• Continued investment into increasingly sustainable and electrified rental fleet solutions.
• We have made good progress in mainstreaming sustainability within our procurement functions through integrating a new sustainable procurement policy and new supplier management software.
• We have committed to science-based emission reduction targets, which were submitted to the Science-Based Target Initiative for validation in December 2022.
• Vp Group has achieved Gold status with the Plant Charter for excellence for our commitment to reducing carbon emissions and air pollution.
• We have achieved ISO 50001 Energy Management System certification across all UK sites.
• We have published a Medium Term Roadmap to Net Zero by 2050.
• We are supporting three new nature conservation projects focussed on the restoration of seagrass meadows, agricultural advisor training and the reintroduction of the Lynx to the UK.